Happy New Year greetings from London W10, I hope you are well that you had a great Christmas and New Year break. I also hope you are not too disappointed at having to be at work for a full five days this week ohhhh nooooo!
If you did manage to have the full two weeks off lucky you, I went into the office on 24th December and the middle days between Christmas and New Year, my choice, needed to get away if you get what I mean. I was delighted I did as we got a new brief for Martin and Evelyn of e+o meetings, event & travel management GmbH, Mi Malta and TA DMC Spain. I was as surprised as our DMCs to be chosen destinations. The New Year has kicked off nicely several new briefs have arrived since we got back on Wednesday.
DMC News * MM and Company News * Destination News*
Russia Valeria, Olga, Veronika and the team at Russian Event DMC are celebrating the Russian Orthodox Christmas Day today and for regular readers of my Monday blog you will know I google the reason why Russian Christmas Day is on 7th January. Well here is explanation for why the team at Russian Event are on holiday. The Orthodox Church recognises 7th January as the day that Jesus was born. Elsewhere in the world, Christmas is celebrated on 25 December. The difference in the timing of the Christmas celebrations stretches back to 1582, when Pope Gregory XIII, ruled that the Catholic Church should follow a new calendar – called the Gregorian calendar, as it was closer to the solar calendar than the Julian calendar. The Julian calendar had been established by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C.
Because it was the Catholic pope who ruled on the adoption of the new calendar, many churches not aligned to the papacy ignored it, such as Protestants and the Eastern Orthodox church. Protestants accepted the new calendar in the early 1700s. In 1922, the patriarch of Constantinople decided that the Gregorian calendar should be followed for the observance of Christmas, but not for Easter, and this edict was followed by many of the other Orthodox churches.
The only Orthodox churches that still observe the 7 January date are the Russian Orthodox Church, the Ukrainian churches, the Serbs and the Mount Athos monks in Greece. So now you know!
MM and Company Adam J. Marks (my twin brother's son, my nephew) has started working at MM and Company, three days in and know something, I am already impressed, I have adopted one of his ideas :).