Today for what it is worth is the start of the new tax year in the UK, not sure what you are going to do with that information for sure, the world has stopped, hardly anyone is doing any businesses except the Supermarkets so I am guessing that the tax revenue for the Government this year will be well down and nothing to write home about one thing is for certain I will not be paying any tax. Whenever I used to complain at how much tax I was paying my Dad used to say “paying tax is a good thing, if you are paying tax you are making money” I guess, as ever, Dad was right for sure I won’t be paying tax anytime soon.
Back to the real question a hand, how are you? I hope you are fit well and COVID 19 free.
I am at last free of the dreaded COVID 19, Thursday was the first day that I re-joined the Human race. I went outside and just for the hell of it joined the queue outside Waitrose, it only took me five minutes to get inside and it seems that calm and consideration had broken out at least in London NW3.
Does anyone really understand what being on furlough actually means? Can you work from home even 10% of the time if the rarest of things happen that some work does come in? Or do you have to do absolutely nothing to do with work? Can you answer e mails? Can you work some of the time if you want to, of course. H E L P 😊
Hey, hey, hey, great news guys it what we have all been waiting for since New Year’s Day this week is bank holiday week, it is a four day week this week and a four day week next week. Yeah I know you have even better news, it is a ZERO week of work days this week and next week and the week after that and so on till who the eff knows when. YIIIKKKEEESSSSS
I am writing this on Sunday afternoon watching a disaster film called 2012 it’s about the Earth’s crust shifting, banjaxing the San Andreas Fault line and starting a chain reaction that blows Yellow Stone National Park clear off the map, the film shows LA sliding into the sea and Las Vegas disintegrating (did I say this was a disaster movie maybe I should re classify that seeing as LA has disappeared from the face of the Earth 😊😊) then I look at our COVID19 lockdown situation and think it could be a lot worse, we get time at home, spend time with bits of the family, send each other mad and funny what’s apps all day long, the sun is shining in both the North and South Hemisphere and interest rates are no existent, happy days guys
Finally may I take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy Easter if it applies to you, if not Easter then a wonderful, happy and kosher Pesach and if that is still does not apply to you may I wish you an awesome long weekend.
Stay safe and stay healthy everyone but of important of all STAY AT HOME.
MM and Company news update
Not easy to put a positive spin on this, simply nothing is going on.
That’s it, you are up to date I hope you have a great week whatever you are planning to do if anything.
I understand from the news that the World treasure Tom Hanks has COVID 19 OMG YIKKKEEESSS Here is a thought
Tom Hanks survived 4 years on an island as a castaway 🏝
He spent a year in an airport without being able to leave 🛫
Caught AIDS in Philadelphia 💉
He was in World War II and rescued Private Ryan;
He went to Vietnam and rescued Lieutenant Dan 🔫
Was on a ship kidnapped by Somali pirates 🚢
survived Apollo 13 trying to reach the Moon 🚀
Landed a Boeing on the Hudson River✈
I am really concerned if he dies of coronavirus 👑🦠, we are ALL stuffed!
Pray for Tom 😊