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David J Marks

Happy Monday, I hope you are well, SERIOUSLY I hope you are well, the headlines are getting a bit “OMG” like, I have to admit even me, a glass half full type of guy is beginning to think how long is this going to go on for? It is getting concerning, more of that later.

It’s another Monday morning, the start of MARCH. Did you make the most of your extra day of life on Saturday it was after all 29th February a leap year.

The weather has been a huge subject over the past few weeks did you see snow on Thursday? was that the first and last snow of the season in London or do we have more to come? Sunday was a sparkling cold Winter going into Spring day I was outside most of the day it was cold but beautiful

I think it’s fair to say it’s going to be another week of uncertainty, uncertainty about what’s going on in the world and what the world governments are going to do about the Covid-19 Virus. It’s said that we live in interesting times, I think it’s fair to say that we also live in uncertain times. The work that we have done in getting business to confirm to our DMCs that we represent around the world over the past six months seems to be cancelling quicker than it confirmed, also a lot of decisions for this month are being put off till the very last moment and there is absolutely diddlysquat we can do about it. I know all our conference and incentive agency clients are in exactly the same boat clients cancelling or postponing, that drips down to us and our DMCs as well to hotels, airlines and other ancillary ground services talk about a ripple effect . I just hope the boat we are all in is a life boat and there is a fridge full of supplies on board.

Guys we have been there before with SARS, Bird flu, 9/11, Icelandic volcanoes exploding, 2008 Credit Crisis to name but a few and the resilience of our industry is that we bounce back and we normally bounce back stronger and more resilient. The uncertainty of Brexit has been replaced by uncertainty of Coronavirus, so long as we all have our health, our family and friends and enough money for a glass or two of champagne or a large vodka and tonic in as tall glass with lots of ice then all is well in the world.

And finally congratulations to our Prime Minister who is soon to become a father again 😊 (nutter)

MM and Company news DMC News* MM and Company News * Destination News*

Malta and Mauritius Sales calls season is about to begin Claudia Cassar, Director of Mi Malta DMC is coming over to meet up with past, present and future conference and incentive clients during the last week of March, coinciding with a visit from Stephane Louise, Operations Manager of Connections DMC Mauritius. So we have combined the two visits for a number of reasons, both destinations begin with M and we are after all MM and Company, both destinations are amazing islands and fortunately don’t compete with each other, it also make perfect sense from a presentation perspective and good use of time for our clients.

France and Turkey The team and I at MM and Company are looking forward to April when Pascal Roulland of Nacara DMC France and Muge Altug of Blue DMC Turkey are going to visit the UK to meet with past, present and future clients. It’s always great when our DMCs come to visit us and their clients , there’s always lots going on in Paris especially and Istanbul, Bodrum and Antalya. Both Pascal and Muge will have an update on their respective destinations. Whenever we announce that senior management of DMCs that MM and Company represent are coming to the UK, we get a huge amount of interest, please let me know as soon as possible if you would like an update on Paris and Istanbul, two amazing cities

And that’s it you are totally up to date wishing you a week full of event conference and incentive CONFIRMATIONS

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