Monday Morning greetings from London W10, hope you're well. As part of my ongoing quest to keep young, fit and healthy I run, not too far you understand mostly 8K or 10K feeling up to it but I try my best. What a pleasure it has been now that run has become now the sun has finally decided to shine on a regular basis. I love March because I know April, OMG April Fool's day what will toddy bring only time will tell, I will ignore it for the time being. Happy April everybody. Saturday was a sparkling warm day, Sunday was dull and chilly. This week won't be anywhere near as warm as we had last week, oh well Summer is not here yet in fact I think announcing Spring is a little bit of wishful thinking. I did not know that The Holy Father Pope Francis reads my Monday email, he must have read the bit a few weeks ago when I said that Morocco was back on the list of the top five conference and incentive destination. He was in Morocco last week doing his thing.
DMC News * MM and Company News * Destination News *
Malta & Mauritius Stephane of Connections DMC Mauritius and Claudia of Mi Malta DMC chose the perfect week to visit the UK dry, sunny and warm the whole week, we were in Buckinghamshire, Heretfordhsire, Leicestershire, Manchestershire and Leedshire. We covered about 900 miles, met some great clients. Stephane and Claudia were awesome company and a great audience listening to my nonsense as we drove up the M1 and M6. Japan James Kent of The J Team, the DMC that MM and Company represents Japan are just about to start their busiest two weeks of the year which funnily enough coincides with the beginning of the cherry blossom season in Japan. I have been to Japan a few times but heave yet to see the cherry blossom season, James are you reading this? That is an enormous hint. The Meetings Show June 2019 The life of a conference and incentive executive is lived planning the future, we are just starting April and are in full on planning mode for the end of June and The Meetings Show. MM and Company will be there together with Nacara Destination DMC France, Phenix Events DMC South of France & Monaco as well as Mi Malta DMC. Please let me know if you are going to attend The Meetings Show as I would like to send you an invitation to coincide with The Meetings Show, hope to see you on Wednesday 26th June.