Happy Monday Icy blasts morning, blast these icy blasts was my thoughts last week as I froze even with wearing several layers and the heating cranked up. As ever the UK have been caught out by the snow, does no one listen to the weather forecast? Why is it that regardless of warning after warning delivered by sophisticated, satellite enhanced weather forecasts do people get stranded in their cars, as my Mum says “only got themselves to blame”, totally bonkers as ever, the drivers who got stranded not my Mum 😊.
I’m very happy to tell you that this week I have very few layers on, in fact only probably just a T-shirt, I have turned the heating off and tempted, only tempted to put on the air conditioning. Have I lost it completely noooooo I am hosting a Business Development Event in Mauritius with Connections DMC accompanied by ten awesome conference and incentive clients, some I know well, some I know and some are new potential clients to MM and Company and the DMCs we represent, can’t wait.
Theresa has finally got her majority vote in the House of Commons, it seems quite obvious now that as Big Ben strikes midnight on Thursday 28th March the EU gang will sign some sort of deal. Of that I believe there is no question whatsoever or could this be just the positive wishful thinking by David Marks. It seems that NO ONE wants a no deal Brexit.
OMG can you imagine living in Venezuela at the moment? Must be absolutely awful, I would think equally as awful as living in Yemen. Innocent people being hurt by power hungry megalomaniacs.
Happy Chinese New Year of The Dog which starts on Tuesday 5th February sadly I will not be making my annual pilgrimage to China Town in Soho, why not? Oh did I not mention I will be in Mauritius where the weather will be 31 degree C no not below but above, yaaayyyyy.
DMC News* MM and Company News * Destination News*
Eva, Valentina and the team from Germanyinsight are coming over this month to make sales calls and meet some past, present and future clients here in the UK, we are very much looking forward to seeing them all. If you are interested in meeting with them for an update on Germany do let me know.
Valentina and Eva have asked us to organise a cocktail and canape reception in Central London on the 13th February, I’m sure by now you will have received an invitation by email. If you haven’t please give us a call and let us know, we will send the invitation over immediately.
Malta & Mauritius Claudia of Mi Malta DMC and Stephane of Connections DMC will be visiting us for sales calls next month. If you are interested in these destinations, please let me know.
Slovakia Marek of Enjoy Slovakia DMC will also be visiting us in March, if you need an update on Bratislava, please let me know.