Happy Monday, can a Monday be happy? Sure it can. I hope you had a great weekend, not sure what the weather was like on Saturday as I was in the sunshine in Malta, but OMG what a sparkling day in London on Sunday, it was hot, sunny, dry and yum. What a disaster from Hurricane Florence in the USA States of North and South Carolina, then another typhoon in Hong Kong, The Philippines and now South China. How lucky are we, OK, so the weather is not always great in the UK, but it is never as bad as getting regular typhoons, hurricanes or regular annual monsoon rains.
If this applies to you have a wonderful Jewish New Year, I certainly did. The extended family over for the first night dinner, friends over for lunch first day after synagogue, Daniel bought in a bottle of single malt Welsh whisky, which made a very happy lunch time, I didn't know the Welsh distilled Whiskey, I knew the Japanese do and the Americans and Canadians do, never too old to learn.
On Tuesday evening at 7.00 pm the fast of Yom Kippur starts, this is the most holy day in the Jewish year, not eating, drinking, working, or any pleasures whatsoever for 25 hours it ends on Wednesday at 8.00 pm. So again, this will only apply to a very few people reading this, I wish you over the Fast G'mar hatima tova.
DMC News * MM and Company News* Destination News*
IMEX Las Vegas Are you going to IMEX Las Vegas? I am, I have booked my hotel and flight so I am all set to go. So far our declared DMC Runners and riders for IMEX are:
Cancun - EPIC DMC Mexico - Booth Number D2646 Central America - Quetzal Motivo, Panamana & Central America - Booth Number D2249 Florida - C FLorida Hospitality - Booth Number B3430 France - Nacara Destination Management France, South of France and Monaco - Phenix Events - Booth Number B3527 Japan - The J Team - Booth Number B4623 New York - Details NYC - Booth Number C2836
Malta Erika, Helga, Douglas and the team at Mi Malta DMC did an absolutely amazing job at showcasing Malta to nine of our awesome clients over the weekend. Malta is such a great destination, only three hours from London, and the weather was to die for, in one word, hot. We arrived in Malta on Thursday afternoon and left Saturday afternoon, but it seems like we were there for a week we did such a lot. We stayed at the Radisson Blu Hotel in St Julian's which has just recently been refurbished the hotel not St Julian's and was looking in great shape. The hotel was full, so fact I met one of my very favourite clients at breakfast, Holly was there also running an event.
The business development trip showcased M'dina the silent city, Valetta the Capital, we used speed boats, water taxis, tuks tuks, vintage cars and old vintage buses, all for various transfers around Malta. The only transport we didn't use was the traditional horse and carriages that are so popular in Malta. We wandered through Valetta, saw the awesome cathedral, we also had various meals in a Palazzo, in a hunting lodge and in a boutique hotel in M'Dina. We also managed an hour in the sunshine after lunch at a very funky cars on the line of the well known Nikki Beach type venues.
The Mi Malta DMC team crammed so much into a very short weekend, I simply love hosting business development events. I have nine new friends, I call them my Malta mates.
Austria We are hosting a Business Development Event, posh word for FAM, in the middle of November to coincide with the opening of the end of year holiday markets. I refuse to use the full title of the end of the year holiday, because it's only September although I did have an end of year hamper catalogue through the post the other day. Way too early to start talking about it in September.
We have two seats left on the British Airways plane, do let me know if you have an interest in seeing is new, fun and funky in Vienna with Martin Hodi, Managing Director of e+o meeting, event & travel management GmbH.