Good Morning, Happy Monday on this final Monday in January, it's great when January is done and dusted and we have been paid, now we need to get over February and then the spring will be around the corner and it can't come too quickly as far as I'm concerned I have had enough of the gloomy sunless weather. This morning I look out onto my postage stamp garden in North West London and saw snowdrops, OMG the very first sign that winter is drawing to a close, snow drops are one of my Mum' favourite flowers.
Last week I had a great week with Deep Kotecha Business Development Manager of SNTTA Emir Incentives & Conferences who was over with me meeting clients, entertaining clients and generally having a jolly good time, of course he had a jolly good time he was with me all week. The Managing Director of SNTTA was supposed to be over but he came down with the dreaded flu yes in Dubai I blame it on the air continuing anyway Deep, bless him, stepped in with less than 10 hours notice that he was flying to London. There is no doubt about it I simply love getting out there and meeting clients accompanied by one or more of our amazing DMCs it sooooo beats being in the office.
I'm in the office this week though not spending much time behind my desk as I will be out and about as well, I have lunch with a great industry friend on Monday and then a Japan event in the evening, I have got continuing planning for germanyinsight coming over next week. Thursday taking some awesome clients who have recently worked with one of the DMCs we represent to Nobu, this is simply a terrific job :-)
DMC News* MM and Company News * Destination News*
Panama Hocine and the team from Quetzal Motivo Panama, have told us that there is a new W Hotel opening next month, fully opening in April 2018. The W has 203 rooms it's located in the heart of Calle 50, Financial and vibrant district of Panama city. They have a fully stocked food truck, an all day restaurant, with a wet deck DJ booth, gym and spa. The W will also have some great meeting space. If you need more information on this or anything else in Costa Rica or indeed anywhere in Central America please let me know.
Germany We also have germanyinsight coming over next week, Eva, Valentina and Maike have asked us to arrange a cocktail and canape evening somewhere funky so I have chosen a cool new restaurant called THE GERMAN GYMNASIUM in King's Cross/St Pancras. I'm sure you have had our invitation, if you haven't and would like to meet up with the Germanyinsight team let me know, the event is on Tuesday 7th February at 6.00PM.
Malta Erika, Douglas and Helga of MI Malta and the team have put together some very attractive conference and incentive deals for three nights and four nights in Malta, details will be coming soon by way of a newsletter but if you want the details before the e mail hits your screen please let me know they are great cost effective Malta deals.
Leyla and Hannah's twitter and witter bit of the Monday morning e mail
Leyla as a fifteen year old teenager is really trying to make her mark in the world, the problem is her teachers aren't impressed with her especially the Spanish teacher.. He sent an email to me informing me Leyla had been rude and was excluded from the class (guess she got what she wanted i.e. no Spanish) I can't tell you what she said about the teacher who overheard what she said but if you want to know I will send you the email (it's quite a long email). I chatted to Leyla about this episode, then wrote an email to the teacher. I also told Leyla that she has to write a letter of apology to her teacher IN SPANISH. I got her to do it in the end but it took me all weekend.
Leyla is obsessed with the new musical HAMILTON, so much so that she had learnt every song in the show. I have yet not been able to get tickets as I totally refuse to pay £200 per ticket.
Leyla and Hannah both had friends (girls) over on Saturday night, one after the other the girls arrived said "hello" went straight upstairs to their bedrooms and slammed the door, the only time I ever saw anyone was when they raided the fridge or requested money for additional supplies from Waitrose.
There is a new Marks baby in the world, the girls have a new boy cousin born on Friday morning, they simply cannot wait to meet and hold the baby, my twin brother, yes I have a twin brother, is a grandfather yet again his daughter had the baby.
I'm so behind the baby curve, It's not worth talking about, and long may that continue I have told both girls not to have babies till they are at least 30 years old.
Well that's it you are totally up to date, wishing you an amazing week ahead.