Good morning, happy Monday I hope this e mail finds you well and looking forward to winding down somewhat. As you might have guessed this is the final Monday morning MM and Company David type blog for 2017, it's been an interesting old year and just as quickly as every other year it's coming to an end.
Thank you for reading my blog, it's true I do witter on a bit and I know when I do the delete button gets pressed, but I also know that from time to time, I get some wonderful comments occasionally about the political situations I bleat on about, sometimes about the DMCs and what the destinations are up to, but more often than not comments about Leyla and Hannah. Thank you, thank you, thank you, it's nice to know my Monday morning blog actually does get read.
All that I'm left to do is to say I hope you enjoy the last few days of Chanukah, I hope you have shed light on the world in the best possible way during the past few days of lighting Chanukah candles. If you don't celebrate Christmas or Chanukah I wish you a lovely end of year break, enjoy the bank holiday. If you celebrate Christmas I would like to wish you, your colleagues, family and friends a very happy and yes Merry Christmas and to each and every one of you, I wish you all a happy, healthy, safe, secure and prosperous 2018.
I look forward to chatting with you next year, your friendship on both a business and personal level is soooo very important to meet, I treasure it and I look forward to seeing it grow for many, many years to come
Thank you again, take care all good wishes as ever
I am back on Tuesday 2nd January 2018
Leyla and Hannah's twitter and witter bit of the Monday morning e mail
The girls and I were lucky enough to be invited to two celebrations over the weekend just gone a Bat Mitzvah and a Bar Mitzah both events were unusually more m friends than the girls school friends. Hannah was more than willing to attend on the condition that she could get her nails done. I said sure why not off she goes with £35 of my money I did think that was a lot for a manicure she returned an hour later with long polished nails that had been stuck on and guaranteed to last three weeks. This was not what I had expected although I have to say Hannah has beautiful hands and the nail extensions I think they are called made them look even nicer. She spend the first evening tapping anything she could to draw attention to them anyway she was happy, I decided that this was another Chanukah present I always thought there were eight days of Chanukah and not close to seventeen days,
Leyla flatly refused to attend the Bat Mitzvah lunch on Sunday as I was not prepared to fall out with her over it I let it go and having got to the function I understood why there were lots of children Hannah's age none Leyla's age group so she would have falleninto a not a child not an adult category so her not coming was a good decision in the end another thing I learnt about raising children.
On the way home from the Sunday evening Bar Mitzvah dinner that was held in a most beautiful venue in Whitehall the girls were in very high spirits on the tube (I did sort of monitor their alcohol intake it was very slight indeed Leyla had a lychee martini and Hannah a lass of champagne so it wasn't alcohol fueled, they were just having fun and entertaining everyone in the tube train carriage.
Well that's about it for this year, there is so much that I simply cannot share with you about my beautiful daughters, what I have shared I hope you ave enjoyed the parental journey so far I am sure there is a lot more to come in the future.