Awesome Monday morning greetings come to you from London NW6 where I am writing this e mail to you very early on a Sunday morning, the reason for that is I have a mad day on Sunday itself then I fly to IMEX in Las Vegas stopping off in Salt Lake City, (why Salt Lake City? Long story) I hope you are fit and wonderfully well. It goes without saying that whilst I am Stateside Sandra, Katharine and Chrissie are in the office ready to answer your calls and e mails
Another week, another dreadful shooting in the USA, this time in Las Vegas, bad on so many levels particularly for the conference and incentive industry as lots of people are packing up and popping over to Las Vegas for a few days not that the shooting will make any difference the UK C&I industry people are a hardened lot of regular international travellers, we all know it can happen anywhere it just happens to be Las Vegas this time. You know it beggars belief that every time there is a tragic incident like this mass shooting when many, many innocent people lose their lives, the law makers in The United States cannot get their act together to pass a law controlling guns. Now it’s always true to say guns do not kill people, people kill people however, if the guns weren’t there in the first place……….. although I think it’s fair to say that in the case of banning guns in the USA that horse has well and truly bolted.
BREXIT bites again, Monarch Airlines has gone OK its true that it is not totally BREXIT it was severely affected by problems in Tunisia and Egypt two of its most popular routes, the final blow was the weak pound.
So the Labour party conference the week before, last week the Coughing Conservative party conference, I did feel for Theresa May did no one have a “strepsil” handy? I have my ticket for the monster raving loony party conference perhaps there might be some sanity in Politics.
Talking about sanity in politics let’s hope SANITY will soon break out in SPAIN.
DMC News* MM and Company News * Destination News*
IMEX Las Vegas 10th – 12th October
It’s not too late, you can still attend, I’m attending along with the following DMCs that MM and Company represents;
+39 Italy - Booth Number B1220
C Florida Hospitality - Booth Number B2317
EPIC Group, Cancun – Mexican Pavilion Stand D1338
Germanyinsight (CAMONSITE Conference and More GmbH Berlin) - Booth Number B2623
THE J TEAM, Japan - Booth Number C3331
Quetzal Motivo, Costa Rica, Panama & Central America - Booth Number D738
It seems there are a number of our UK friends and clients coming over to IMEX Las Vegas, if that is you and you would like to get together for dinner please let me know although I am sure that almost all UK visitors are well and truly hosted with every waking moment accounted for but if you do have time it would be great to get together, alternatively, if you would like to meet one of our amazing DMC’s do let me know, I would be very happy to sort out a suitable meeting time. I will be in Las Vegas Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday it’s a long way to go for three days but that’s the way it is.
South Africa
We have represented Shaun Blake, Brad Glenn and the team at The Inside Edge Southern Africa since 1999, Brad will be visiting the UK this month. We are putting together a meeting schedule for him, if you would like to know what’s cool, creative, fun and funky let me know. I know Brad would be delighted to give you an update on Southern Africa including Zambia, Botswana and Zimbabwe.
James and the team at The J Team have told us that Japan has a public holiday being Health & Sports Day today, so will be back in the office tomorrow 10th October. James however will be enjoying this public holiday on a plane travelling to Las Vegas.
If you need anything of a Japanese nature urgently let us know.
IBTM Barcelona 28th – 30th November
I have just booked my flight and hotel for Barcelona, it just doesn’t stop 😊
Leyla and Hannah’s twitter and witter bit of the Monday morning e mail
Have any of you been watching Dr Foster? If you have you will know what I’m talking about, without wanting to go into the whole story the story features a teenager of the male persuasion. Guess what, it seems they are the same as the teenagers of the female persuasion. I was watching the television thinking OMG this is my two girls on television, it wasn’t diminished at all, it was exactly as it is.
The girls are in Turkey visiting relations I did not go for two reasons first is IMEX the second is I do not think the relations want to see me they want to see their nieces cousins etc.
So as they are getting ready to leave Leyla comes to me with her DEAD iphone “Daddy my phone is broken” she says in all innocence well my phone failed a few weeks ago so I am giving her the benefit of the doubt till we take it into Apple to see if, as I suspect there is or is not water damage.
Hannah has sent me some terrifically descriptive texts and what’s app messages of how things are going or no as the case clearly is in Turkey for her and Leyla. The texts are littered with spelling errors as well as some rather edgy expletives which again I will be discussing with my almost 13 year old daughter. It is fair to say the girls were not keen on going and their worst fears are coming home to roost, if I wasn’t going to Las Vegas hen I think this half term would have been very different
Next year the girls half term will be earlier as the Jewish Holiday seasons is much earlier than this year yes the Jewish calendar is lunar not solar and the festival dates are prone to move.
Well that’s it have a great week y’all.