Happy May Monday morning, I hope you had a great Mayday Bank holiday and a wonderful short four day week last week.
I’m going to make a prediction here, I think within the next twenty years we will all have permanent four day weeks. You know a hundred odd years ago everybody worked six days a week, then it became five days a week and as automation grows and jobs disappear, I can see us all working four days a week and job sharing. Won’t do me any good but it might give some of you something to look forward to.
So did you do anything special over May day bank holiday? I took myself off to Paris, we have a great relationship with Pascal, Managing Director of Nacara DMC Paris and he invited me over to spend some time with him and the team at Nacara DMC Paris France. I had forgotten what an amazing world city Paris is, there are some amazing sites to see with fun ways to see them like in the back of a vintage Citroen Deux Chevaux car, there are world class five star hotels, some amazing excellent four and three star hotels all very affordable, awesome bars and restaurants. I am sure you have heard of the famous LIDO well they have totally revamped the venue, the show and the catering, I went there last Wednesday evening it was excellent, to top it all nothing beats a French made croissant and baguette at breakfast and I do not normally do breakfast.
DMC News* MM and Company News * Destination News*
Marek and Maros of Enjoy Slovakia DMC have told us that today is a bank holiday in Bratislava, so if you need anything urgently do let us know.
Anusha at Connections DMC together with Martin of e+o meeting, event & travel management GmbH will be visiting the UK soon. Anusha of Connections Mauritius will have an update on the destination and Martin of e+o meeting, event & travel management GmbH will have an update on Austria.
IMEX May 2017
IMEX Frankfurt is almost upon us, some of the DMCs that MM and Company represent will be there. The runners and riders so far are;
Susanne of the EPIC Group Cancun Stand B100
Hocine of Quetzal Motivo Costa Rica & Panama Stand B140
Klea of Honeywell Incentives Cyprus Stand F324
Jean Yan of SNTTA Emir Incentives & Conferences, Dubai & Abu Dhabi on Stand E520
Eva of GermanyInsight Frankfurt office is on Stand F110, Valentina of Germanyinsight Berlin office stand number TBC
Linda and Fjola, Nordic Visitor DMC Iceland on Stand F230
Lina El Fihry of Visit Morocco DMC on Stand D500
Filipe de Pina of TA DMC Portugal on Stand E205
Veronika of Russian Event on Stand E450
Maros & Marek of Enjoy Slovakia DMC on Stand G270
Dekon DMC Turkey on Stand A400
Brad Glenn of The Inside Edge Southern Africa will be at the show (not exhibiting) so if you want to meet up with Brad let me know I will get it sorted.
Are you going to IMEX un-hosted? A very sensible way to attend IMEX, no pressure to fulfil the crazy number of appointments IMEX demands of you. So if you are un-hosted and not busy on Tuesday night PLEASE JOIN ME FOR DINNER, I have booked an extraordinary restaurant (yes they do for sure exists in Frankfurt) for Tuesday night RSVP
So far three client / friends are joining me for dinner, plenty more room at the table on both nights
The Meetings Show 13th – 15th June 2017
We are happy to say we are exhibiting at The Meetings Show again this year on Stand E305, the runners and riders are;
Gaia Terrazzi of +39 Italy
Maros Borsky of Enjoy Slovakia
Eva Hoffmann & Valentina Azzoni of Germanyinsight
Filipe de Pina of TA DMC Portugal
Do let us know if you’re interested in meeting any of our DMCs or need information on any of our destinations.
Leyla and Hannah’s twitter and witter bit of the Monday morning e mail
On Friday night Leyla and I fell out, we had a row, the first one for a very long time. On a lot of occasions I usually let things that Leyla says or does slip well is a teenager after all. What she did on Friday evening I could not let slip, the only snag was that Hannah was in the same room and it really, really upset Hannah, Leyla was upset but not too upset. When I went to bed Hannah had written me a lovely note, asking me not to be angry with Leyla as well as a few other lovely messages about here I have of course kept the note, another treasure from my daughter.
OMG my first baby girl Leyla is on a Duke of Edinburgh (retired) Award expedition, it is overnight experience with a rack sack, tent, sleeping bag, enough carbs to last her for at least a week. Leyla is only away one night however she is carrying enough stuff to last her a week. She was dropped off at the meeting location at 8AM Sunday morning she is not back till Monday night. As I write this Monday e mail on Sunday night all I can think about is how is she doing?
That’s it you are now fully up to date, I hope you have an amazing week this week.