Happy Monday Morning, it seems ages since I last chatted to you on a Monday morning. I guess that’s because last Monday was Easter Monday and there was no Monday morning email. Anyway, it’s nice to be back on Monday morning saying Hello
Poor old Paris, a world city for sure, but a world city that at the moment is being bashed about a bit. Although Paris being such a wonderful indeed beautiful city it won’t take long for Paris to bounce back if it hasn’t already. London took a hit a few weeks ago and I don’t think it has made nay difference to the number of visitors we are getting I was in London Sunday morning it was heaving, not with Londoners but with visitors of all nationalities gauging by the languages being spoken.
So we have a General Election coming up, for sure a good move on the part of the Conservative party, a pretty poor move for business in general. It just adds more uncertainty to what is going on but I guess with Brexit and Trump and the French election, what is a bit more uncertainty among friends, just stick it on the pile so to speak, other than that all is good.
I had a lovely day in Brighton last week, making a presentation or two, the weather was perfect dry, sunny but a bit chilly.
DMC News* MM and Company News * Destination News*
Slovakia This week I’m out and about with our DMC Marek at Enjoy Slovakia DMC, he is a great guy running a terrific DMC, I would love to introduce you to him. Marek will have a full update on Slovakia this very new and unfamiliar to many destination, a great destination that fits the bill when your clients ask for new, different destination with quality hotels and venues.
Mauritius Anusha at Connections DMC together with Martin of e+o meeting, event & travel management GmbH will be visiting the UK in May. Please let me or Katharine know should you wish to have a full update on Slovakia this very new and unfamiliar to many destination, a great destination that fits the bill when your clients ask for new, different destination with quality hotels and venues.
IMEX May 2017 IMEX Frankfurt starts on Tuesday 16th May, it’s never too early to start telling you which of the world class A list DMCs that MM and Company represent will be there. The runners and riders so far are;
Hocine of Quetzal Motivo Costa Rica & Panama Stand TBC Jean Yan of SNTTA Emir Incentives & Conferences, Dubai & Abu Dhabi on Stand E520 Eva of GermanyInsight Frankfurt office is on Stand F110, Valentina of Germanyinsight Berlin office stand number TBC Linda and Fjola, Nordic Visitor DMC Iceland on Stand F230 Lina El Fihry of Visit Morocco DMC on Stand D500 Filipe de Pina of TA DMC Portugal on Stand E205 Maros & Marek of Enjoy Slovakia DMC on Stand G270 Brad Glenn of The Inside Edge Southern Africa will be at the show (not exhibiting) so if you want to meet up with Brad let me know I will get it sorted.
MY CUNNING PLAN FOR IMEX Are you going to IMEX un-hosted? A very sensible way to attend IMEX, no pressure to fulfil the crazy number of appointments IMEX demand of you. So if you are un-hosted and not busy on Monday or Tuesday night PLEASE JOIN ME FOR DINNER, I have booked an extraordinary restaurant (yes they do for sure exists in Frankfurt) for both Monday and Tuesday night RSVP
So far three client / friends are joining me for dinner, plenty more room at the table on both nights
The Meetings Show 13th – 15th June 2017 We are happy to say we are exhibiting at The Meetings Show again this year on Stand E305, the runners and riders are;
Gaia Terrazzi of +39 Italy Maros Borsky of Enjoy Slovakia Eva Hoffmann & Valentina Azzoni of Germanyinsight Filipe de Pina of TA DMC Portugal
Do let us know if you’re interested in meeting any of our DMCs or need information on any of our destinations.
Leyla and Hannah’s twitter and witter bit of the Monday morning blog
It beggars belief how different my two children are; Leyla as a baby and a toddler was not interested in kisses and cuddles, she is now fourteen, quite a tall fourteen year old and she is forever wanting to sit on my lap and give me a cuddle which is lovely make no mistake. But when she sits on my lap, I kind of tend to get squashed and the cuddle doesn’t last too long. Hannah has always been a cuddler except until recently were she has begun to shy away I think that has got quite a lot to do with the fact that as a twelve year old, she is beginning to mature, hopefully my Hannah cuddles will return.
Yesterday I thought I would take the girls to a brunch type restaurant so my morning stated with a 10K run in Regents Park I got home at 10AM then took Leyla out for a run as she had asked we only did 1½K but it was her first run on2017 she is hoping to do a 5K charity run in June. At 1045AM I said we were leaving the house at 11.30AM at 11.45AM she was still well lets say in her foundation garments. I gave her another 10 minutes to be ready, she failed to show up so I left without her which to be honest broke my heart and I missed her throughout brunch. When we arrived home she did not seem to be bothered at all. Hoooo hummmmm
That’s it you are now fully up to date have a great week,