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David J Marks

Happy Monday, spring is in the air, there is absolutely no doubt about it. On my run in Regents Park this morning Snowdrops and Crocuses were out and about with Daffodils looking very promising for the 1st March St Davids Day as I know my intelligent readers will all be too aware that the national flower of Wales is the Daffodil and St David is the Patron Saint of the Welsh nation.

On Thursday for the first time in a long time, I left the house and didn’t think dear me it’s a bit chilly this morning. Half term is over, the traffic is back, the kids are back and we are back to normal although I’m happy to report that the levels of requests to DMCs that MM and Company represent from our lovely conference and incentive agents kept on coming throughout half term week.

DMC News* MM and Company News * Destination News*


Lorenzo, Heather, Gaia and the team at +39 Italy and who have offices in Milan, Rome, Venice and Florence have told us about fashion week in Milan that starts 22nd to 28th February, the city is even more fashionable than it normally is and they are in for a very busy week. If you are going to Milan I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that Milan is the spiritual home of the Espresso, this city is a honeycomb of cafes serving frenetic Milanese. Whilst in Milan check out the mosaic covered stunning Camparino café it is a must-do, a ten minute walk from Camparino will take you to the historic Pasticceria Marches. If you find the waist coated barista a bit stuffy drop in to the hip Taglio or Pave bakery for a fresh from the oven brioche with an espresso well it is in Italy.


Sai, Jean Paul, Pascal and the team at SNTTA Emir Incentives & Conferences have told us of a new hotel on the Palm Dukes Dubai, the like of London in Dubai located on the Palm. There are obviously great sea view as you would expect Dukes to do, they have a great afternoon tea service and of course there is the opportunity for a Vodka Martini in Dukes bar. SNTTA Emir Incentives & Conferences tell us it’s the hang out place at the moment.


Anusha, Davina and the team at Connections DMC have told us there is a public holiday on Friday 24th February MAHA SHIVARATREE, is a Hindu festival celebrated annually in honour of the god Shiva. If you need urgent assistance in Mauritius, please contact Anusha on her mobile or let me know and we will sort it for you with great pleasure.


Filipe and the team at TA DMC Portugal have told us that Porto has just been voted "Best European Destination 2017" in a competition with cities such as Paris, Amsterdam, London or Barcelona. The Portuguese city collected more than 135 thousand votes. In total, the city of Porto gathered votes from users in 174 countries, highlighting the preference of visitors from the United States of America, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, United Kingdom, Canada, South Africa, among others. Also to be noted is that 56 percent of the votes come from the 173 other countries that participated in the competition, which shows the international unanimity in choosing Porto.

Leyla and Hannah’s twitter and witter bit of the Monday morning e mail

On Sunday afternoon I was writing this Leyla and Hannah bit of my Monday e mail with Hannah sitting next to me on the couch, Hannah is a very cuddly girl and she was almost sitting on me as opposed to next to me. “Can I have a look at what you are writing Daddy?” “No” was my reply “but it’s about us” was her response. “Hannah the answer is still no”. So I stopped writing until she lost interest and wandered off. Leyla and Hannah will be able to ready THEIR bits of my Monday Morning emails on their eighteenth birthday as I will be publishing them in a book.

On Wednesday night I took the girls to the Disney show Aladdin at the Prince Edward theatre. I announced to the girls more times than you can imagine that we will be leaving the house at 5 o’clock in the hope that my target time of 5.30 pm would be met. I got back from work at 4.45, Hannah was ready, however Leyla was in the bath, I hammered on the door. I had been home for a minute and discovered two cardinal rules had been broken, the first one, we were going to be late, I hate being late. Rule number two, Leyla had her new phone in the bathroom, strictly forbidden and against the agreement we have when I gave her a new phone that replaced the old phone (which was new) that she had dropped into the bath. Leyla got the hump and then decided she would be a complete nightmare. I dragged her out of the house, dressed, you will be pleased to hear but hair wet, and no make-up, that was the thing that really annoyed her. I had not given her the time to put make up on or to put it another way she didn’t start getting ready early enough. At the bottom of Shaftesbury Avenue/ Piccadilly there is a big Boots store, we stopped off there, she went over to the No.7 counter, did her make up, all was well in the world. My stress levels came down to normal (which is high) by the time the theatre interval arrived, the girls had a great time, they loved the show. I had a great time just watching them enjoy the show. Disney musicals are really not my thing.

That’s it you are now up to date wishing you an amazing week ahead!

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