Happy Monday Morning type autumnal, chilly greetings from London W10, I hope you’re well and that you had a good bonfire night, it certainly was a cold one and a bit damp. On the other hand Sunday was a crisp, sunny, cold day the perfect autumn weather.
That doesn’t describe the weather I enjoyed on Wednesday and Thursday in Milan when I popped over for thirty-six hours to meet up with Lorenzo, Heather, Gaia and the +39 Italy team. We did the meeting bit, the presentation bit, then saw some new hotels, restaurants and event space then I wondered the streets of Milan. The Duomo and the Galleria are breath taking, doesn’t matter how many times I have seen it and needless to say, the food was outstanding. I stayed at the Excelsior Hotel Gallia part of the Starwood luxury collection and it certainly is a stunning building, lovely hotel in a terrific location.
DMC News* MM and Company News * Destination News*
World Travel Market
7th – 9th November 2016 at Excel
Whilst World Travel Market specializes in what I generally call the bucket and spade brigade some of the DMC MM and Company represent work in the leisure market and they are in London next week;
Connections Stand AS130. Mauritius Tourism Authority stand.
Nordic Visitor Stand EU8406. Promote Iceland stand.
SNTTA Emir Tours. Stand ME500. Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority stand.
SNTTA Emir Tours & Travels Stand ME300. Abu Dhabi Tourism stand
TA DMC Portugal. Stand EU1010 & EU1150. Visit Portugal stand.
We are running a business development trip to Frankfurt to see the CHRISTMAS MARKETS amongst other things have put together an invitation list for our agency friends, clients and colleagues who have business to Frankfurt or an interest in learning more on Frankfurt as a conference and incentive destination. Eva and the team at our DMC Cornerstone Meetings (part of Germanyinsight)are sorting the ground element, we are staying at The Marriott Hotel on this trip. So if Frankfurt is on your or your clients preferred destination list and you need to do some Christmas shopping, let me know. We have ten seats confirmed and some have already been snapped up.
29th November – 1st December 2016
So far the declared DMC runners and riders that MM and Company represent who will be attending IBTM Barcelona are as follows;
Visit Morocco – Stand J80
TA Spain & TA Portugal – Stand B75
Microcosmos Budapest – Stand G20
Quetzal Motivo – Stand M80
Honeywell Cyprus – Stand B45
Nordic Visitor – Stand E10
+39 Italy – Stand K22
The J Team – Stand H80
Connections – Stand O50
Leyla and Hannah’s twitter and witter bit of the Monday morning e mail
No sooner had I chucked a whole bunch of money down the drain for Halloween the girls were on my case about Guy Fawkes night. To be honest I like fireworks but I don’t like wasting money, I work too hard for it but it’s one time of the year where I effectively burn five pound notes. The problem with fireworks is you having to advance to the firework/ rocket or whatever, light it and then retreat. I tried to light two fireworks at the same time but you cannot get out of the way quickly enough. Luckily Waitrose had a big sign in the window buy one get one free, I thought Hello, this is my kind of advertising, I have done away with the light and retreat nonsense. I bought a 200 bang box a one time ignition fuse and with that one light, you get 200 bangs and I got another one free. It went on for quite a while and it was a splendid display of money going up in smoke.
November has arrived so the excitement in my house has been cranked up, its Leyla and Hannah’s birthdays at the end of the month the present list had been issued. It is also HANNAH’S BAT MITZVAH in six weeks’ time so the pressure is on, Hannah is preparing her Dvar Torah the lesson she has to give to the community on Saturday 17th December in Synagogue I have to do my bit I am doing the haftorah in Hebrew lucky Hannah gets to do her bit in English.
The party dresses are being sourced I have bought an amazing jacket for the “do” more of a progress report next week
That’s it, you’re up to date!