Good morning, fully back to work Monday Morning greetings to you. The out of office messages have changed from thank you for your email I’m on holiday/ vacation/ leave, to thank you for your email I’m on site operating an event, which has got to be good news.
As much as we would all like to be on holiday all day, every day sadly reality has to kick in, whether we like it or not and I’m also referring to the weather. Beautiful, hot sunny days of last week have turned into chilly, wet, autumnal days of mid-September.
This week I’m north, south, east and west meeting some of our wonderful clients who have worked with Connections DMC Mauritius and who have the potential to work with Connections in Mauritius. Katharine, Sandra and Rachel will be in the office and I shall also be available morning, noon and night on my mobile.
Just as MM and Company started representing Enjoy Slovakia DMC who are based in Bratislava, the twenty-seven countries in the EU decided to have a meeting in Bratislava without the UK being present. For some reason the head of the twenty-seven countries who were meeting in Bratislava did not need a DMC, I guess they went direct to the President of Bratislava’s office for assistance.
DMC News* MM and Company News * Destination News*
Geraint, James and the team at The J Team DMC Japan has told us that Ramen is one of Japan's most popular dishes, both in Japan and overseas, tasting the authentic article is a point of pride among Japanese food enthusiasts and visitors who desire the "real Japan". The TOKYO Ramen Show 2016 will feature 36 different kinds of ramen from all around Japan between October 27th and November 6th, 2016, allowing visitors a unique opportunity to sample these "Gotochi" local ramens during a single trip to Japan's capital Tokyo. Amongst the 36 varieties will be some special types of Ramen exclusive to the event.
Open from 10:00 to 21:00 most days, visitors will have ample opportunity to enter, Tokyo’s Komazawa-koen park will have covered seating for 1,600 people at a time so there'll be plenty of room for ramen lovers to enjoy the wide range of flavours on offer. On top of all this, there'll be a selection of specialist stage events and products will be available for purchase. If you’re visiting Japan during this period I’m sure James Kent and the team at The J Team DMC will be able to help.
IMEX Las Vegas
From Florida, Clementine Moore of C Florida Hospitality will be at IMEX as a visitor
So far the declared DMC runners and riders that MM and Company represent who will be attending IMEX USA are as follows;
The EPIC Group, Cancun
Germanyinsight, Germany
The J Team, Japan
TA, Spain
Quetzal Motivo, Costa Rica & Panama
Leyla and Hannah’s twitter and witter bit of the Monday morning e mail
Here I go again two very different children, both girls and both opposites. School has started Leyla is the reluctant student Hannah is up at the crack of sparrows waiting for the time to go to catch her train. Leyla has nothing ready for school until the morning, Hannah has her school bag packed, her midmorning snack packed, her PE bag packed days before the PE lesson. Leyla flies out the door, nano seconds before her bus is due bags flying, PE kit in hand, PE bag trailing on the floor me running after her with her Oyster card and snack.
I reassure myself that it’s only another four more years till Leyla plans to leave home. She has told us in no uncertain terms that she is leaving home on her 18th Birthday. I have promised her a suitcase as an 18th birthday present, she thinks she is scarring me, no, a bit of it I can’t wait. I will give Leyla three months of living on her own, she will come back home with the realisation that this home stuff is not easy and hopefully she will be the model daughter and tenant.
Hannah on the other hand has promised me she will never ever leave home, both scenarios work for me.
Well that’s about it you are not up to date. Thank you for reading my Monday morning e mail have a great week ahead.