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David J Marks

Happy Monday, I hope you are well. I started to write this email to you on Friday morning, immediately after the tragedy on the Avenue des Anglais in Nice when happy, innocent people walking in family groups watching fireworks celebrating Bastille Day were run down a mindless savage intent on doing as much damage as possible, sadly he succeeded. I was angry and upset I am still angry and upset. The terrorists cannot win but how many people must lose their life before the terrorist groups realise. Viva la France.

Then Saturday night there was the attempted coup in Turkey, again more mindless violence this time Turk upon Turk, brother upon brother I have a bit more of an insight into this, its reasons and ramifications, needless to say not good for Turkey or democracy in that country.

And yesterday another shooting of Police personnel in the USA. More loss and, more sadness, more bereavement as if the world does not have enough of natural fatal tragedies without adding manmade ones.

Today is a bright, dry and sunny morning l plan to make the best of it.

DMC News* MM and Company News * Destination News*

July has seriously kicked in schools are gradually breaking up for the summer, the roads are quiet, I can easily find on street parking in central London. The DMCs we represent are catching up with stuff and enjoying a well-deserved break.


Anusha Soopal of Connections DMC Mauritius is planning her return, she will be back in September and we are already putting her schedule together. If you would like to meet up with Anusha in September please let us know, she will have a full update on what’s new and funky in Mauritius.

Business Development Events

Sandra, Katharine, Nicola and I together with the DMCs that we represent are in the process of planning the last four months of the year, we will soon be announcing dates for Business Development Events (FAM trips) to Mauritius, Morocco and Frankfurt, if you have forthcoming proposal for any of those destinations and want to see them first hand do let me know, spaces are limited.

Leyla and Hannah’s twitter and witter bit of the Monday morning e mail

Leyla is now off school and seems to be hibernating, she is turning into a typical teenage girl. Her day could be described as getting up at 11am, attaching herself to her iPhone and headphones from 11.01am until 11 o’clock at night, drifting from bedroom to couch and back to bedroom via the snack cupboard which will very soon be empty and not replenished well not by me for sure. Her main activities are washing her hair and putting on make-up. Aaarrrrggggg.

Leyla went to another bar mitzvah party this time it was a lunch at the OXO Tower (very nice indeed) she went there on the tube with her friend Tami and came back half way with a lift from friends and the rest by bus. I was all up for taking her and picking her up but I guess she has to learn how to get around London and Sunday lunch time is a reasonable good neutral time to learn. I cannot tell you how many times I looked at my watch thinking she should have been home by now. The front door burst open at 6.53pm my baby was home and I could breathe again.

Hannah went back to hospital last week and her leg still in plaster now from just below the knee which is great, gives her more mobility, she can sit in the car and the dinner table and is much happier, so are we. I know when she’s around because all we can hear is click, click, click off her crutches.

Last week was the end of year, end of school year six play Fiddler on the Roof Hannah was one of the daughters and had a speaking part as well as a song solo she was very worried about the play but she did well on stage crutches and all. She was sat down most of the time, she delivered her lines bolt upright, luckily the stage was so packed with all of year six quite a lot of the time that her friends held her up and were a great support. My Mum her grandma came to watch at half time Hannah “crutched” over to Mum and mugged her for her lip stick so all the girls could do their stage make up for the second half any excuse Hannah. Needless to say I owe Mum a lip stick, it never made its way back, I don’t suppose Mum would have wanted it back to be fair.

That’s it you are up to date if you are off on your hols I hope you have an amazing time, if you are in the office I guess it will be a wee bit quieter so enjoy the week oh by the way it is looking like for a few days this week we may have a scorcher or two bring it on.

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