- David J Marks
It can’t be! Surely not? OMG it is, it’s Monday again, I’m sure there is a conspiracy going on because it doesn’t feel to me like the weekend was two days. I’m quite sure that in twenty years’ time maybe even ten years’ time the weekend will be three days, Friday Saturday and Sunday, I think that seems to be about right.
Anyway it is what it is, happy Monday guys, I hope you had a good weekend. I spent most of my weekend recovering from a terrific week on the road, I went to Leeds, Manchester, Richmond, London, Berkshire, I did about a thousand miles last week with the lovely Mathilde of TA DMC Spain and the awesome Filipe of TA DMC Portugal.
We met up with some terrific “frients”; clients that have become friends. We also introduced Filipe and Mathilde to some new potential clients and met up with some clients that I have not seen for a while they have simply just been too busy to meet with us.
I have got a week in the office and then out meeting clients again with Gaia Terrazzi from +39 Italy.
Whenever a new restaurant opens in London and the celebrities flock to it, I always wonder why is that what is so good about this new venue. A couple of weeks ago I managed to score (actually it was Sandra who got it) a table at the Chiltern Firehouse. The place is lovely but I have to tell you the food is outstanding, I can totally understand why the celebrities favour it. Apart from the place being very stylish, the food being outstanding, the price tag was on celebrity levels. The people I took were suitably impressed, job done as far as I’m concerned.
DMC News* MM and Company News * Destination News* MM and Company News *
Gaia Terrazzi of +39 ITALY will be in the UK visiting clients, if you would like to meet up with her do let me know, Gaia knows what’s cool, funky and happening in Italy. +39 ITALY have offices in Rome, Milan and Florence this enables the +39 team to operate all over Italy.
Iceland seems to be the flavour of the month in fact, the flavour of last year and this year, we are keeping Nordic Visitor, the DMC MM and Company has been representing since 2012 extremely busy thanks to you, thank you. If you would like to meet up with Anna Valdimarsdóttir of Nordic Visitor she will be in the UK visiting clients in March, do let me know.
Leyla and Hannah’s twitter and witter bit of the Monday morning e mail
Hannah heard last week that the two schools she tried did not have the wisdom and the foresight to accept her as a pupil next year. As I said to Hannah, beautiful baby daughter, these two schools had the opportunity to educate a future and potential high court judge, prime minister, nuclear physicist, transplant surgeon, hairdresser, she was upset but she got over it pretty damn quickly.
My iPhone has been playing up and during the night on Thursday night, Friday morning it crashed so my alarm did not go off, I woke up as I normally do at 7.30 and noticed that my iPhone had crashed. I went upstairs to Leyla at 7.35 hoping that she wouldn’t be there, that her bed would be empty and she would be on her way to school on the school bus, no such luck she was fast asleep, she missed the school bus. The thing that amazes me is that she just wasn’t bothered about it, she got out of bed, got dressed came downstairs, ripped me off for £10 so that she could get the tube to Stanmore and a taxi to school. If she got the bus from Stanmore, she would be late. As I gave her the £10, I said to Leyla this is coming out of your birthday money, I think her response was “whatever”. I decided I would strangle her when she got home, not before she left for school. (Note to self, retrieve £10 from Leyla’s birthday stash)
I asked Leyla what happened when she got into school late, her response was shock and horror “duhhhh nothing happened, everyone is late!!!! My self-control ensured I did not strangle her again
That’s it you are now fully up to date wishing you an amazing week ahead,