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David J Marks


Sunny sunshine greetings from London W10 I hope you are well and that you are not too sun burnt from the weekend, I said to my Mum the other day "I can't believe it's Thursday, where did the week go?" and she said "Wait till you are my age (92) it goes even quicker." I will take her word for that, I don't plan to be 92 any time soon.

I have said it before and I will say it again, I would not want to be Prime Minister of the UK in these feral, bitching Brexit time, that poor woman drinks from the poison chalice on a daily basis, I can honestly say I feel sorry for her.

What is it with Donald Trump, he says one thing one day "Russia had nothing to do with influencing the USA presidential election", he gets back to Washington, has his wrists slapped and then publicly contradicts himself by saying "the Russians DID influence the USA Presidential election. What a plonker (that is a great expression).

Lewis Hamilton he is some driver started 14th on the grid at Kockenheim way back and manages to claw his way up the field to win the Grand Prix. Ok I guess Lewis was lucky that Vettel crashed but still, from 14th to win, wow great driving skill and clearly a very fast car.

DMC News* MM and Company News * Destination News*

Malta We are also running another trip, this time to Malta with Erika, Helga and the team at Mi Malta in September , seats are going fast so if you're interested in attending do let me know.

Austria When Martin of e+o meeting, event & travel management GmbH was in the UK in May we discussed a few things, one of them being a Business Development Event to Vienna, we will be running a trip in November, so look out for an invitation coming your way soon. If Vienna or any other destination is of interest to you, do let me know.

Leyla and Hannah's twitter and witter bit of the Monday morning e mail

Big news in Hannah's life and my bank manager's life, Hannah has been accepted for her big school nine week trip to Israel, it's called the Lavi trip. So it's big news for Hannah and my bank manager who I'm sure will hopefully agree to extend my overdraft again

There are two groups of fifty pupils going on this trip, Hannah is not in the group she wants to be in so what was supposed to be some very exciting news is tinged with some disappointment. It appears the girls Hannah is very friendly with has been allocated places in the other group, the school says these groups are final, well we are going to try very hard to change Hannah to the other group which is where we are going to try very hard to change Hannah to the other group which is where she wants to be, as we all know rules are meant to be broken and stances taken by the school are there to be changed.

Hannah broke up from school on Friday at midday to celebrate 35 friends went over to someone's house in Hampstead who yes you guessed it has a swimming pool in their back garden or perhaps in the grounds of their mansion is a better way of putting it. The party was going very well for Hannah, she was playing in the water, a boy ran and bombed into the pool hitting Hannah on the forehead with his knee. Hannah was sent flying, her friends got her out of the pool, a huge bump appeared almost immediately. We collected Hannah gave her a pack of frozen peas and we were off to my sister's for our traditional Jewish Friday night family dinner. My sister Nicole is a health professional at the NHS, she took one look at the bump called the 101 health line they suggested we take Hannah to A&E. This is where I differed I was of the opinion that she has not been knocked out had not lost consciousness, she had a bump full stop.

I lost the battle so we went to Northwick Park Hospital A&E which, to be honest resembled a third world field war hospital which was losing the battle against the tide of casualties. I left Ayse and Hannah at A&E there was no point the three of us being there besides I was hungry :-). Three hours later I went back to the hospital, Hannah had not been seen or assessed by a Doctor or nurse, she had perked up a lot the bump had gone down, the bruise was a great purple colour (I like purple) I suggested a good move would be to give up and go home, this suggestion was taken on board. Guess what Hannah was right as rain on Saturday morning (thank G-d)

On Sunday morning I went upstairs to wake Leyla up but she wasn't in her room, before Interpol was called I checked Hannah's room and there were my two beautiful grls fast asleep together in Hannah's bed. Later on Sunday afternoon I asked Hannah if it was fun having her sister with her "Sure Dad it was great we had a sleep over" It is awesome that they get on so well together, most of the time that is.

That's it you are totally up to date, if you are going on holiday, vacation, leave or all three enjoy, I wish you an amazing time away from the C&I coalface

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