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David J Marks

Happy February, on this the first Monday of February, we are almost over the winter hump, the daffs are in the shops at £1 a bunch but not yet buy one get one free, as soon as that happens we will know spring is well and truly on its way. Was the weather cold, wet, grey and miserable where you were this weekend? It was in North West London, the Scots have a great name for this type of weather DREECH! a great descriptive type word. The weather forecast for this week is cold, wet, frosty and some snow OMG. I have a word for that type of weather, horrible and I have cleaned that up considerably.

I'm beginning to feel very sorry for Theresa May, Brexit is a fact and she is getting kicked in the teeth for something she didn't want, I think she's trying to do her best for the seventeen and a half million people that wanted to leave, the deficit is coming down and so it should.

DMC News* MM and Company News * Destination News*

Germany We have germanyinsight DMC over this week, Eva, Valentina and Maike will be visiting clients with me and we will also be having cocktails and canapes at The GERMAN GYMNASIUM in Kings Cross/St Pancras. I'm sure you have had our invitation and we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 7th February at 6.00PM.

Slovakia Marek, Maros and the team at Enjoy Slovakia DMC are planning to come to the UK next month. We are also hosting a Business Development trip (aka FAM trip) to Bratislava departing 19th April for two nights. We have bought 10 tickets on British Airways. So please watch out for your invitation coming to a screen near you very soon.

South Africa Shaun, Brad and the team at The Inside Edge have learnt that South African Airways will be introducing it's new A330-300 airbus on the Johannesburg to London route from March, this is great news for anything thinking of going to South Africa. The plane is a state of the art aircraft with all the terrific bells and whistly to make the journey more comfortable in both Business as well as Economy. The Inside Edge operate in all of Southern Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

DMC News* MM and Company News * Destination News*

Leyla is the type of child that will push her luck at any opportunity, having taken her phone away at 10 o'clock in the evening for a number of months I discussed it with her and decided to give her an opportunity to prove she can be sensible with her phone, she failed. On Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning at 1.40 am I heard noises upstairs, I crept upstairs to investigate and there is Leyla sitting up in bed with a face mask tapping stuff into her phone. Leyla seems to think that she can cope with life with ten minutes sleep (she can't for sure) I relieved her of her phone swiftly, didn't wait around for protests, I turned her light off and said "go to sleep" I spent the next two hours on my phone because I couldn't get back to sleep, getting more and more annoyed. The next day she came back from school, went upstairs announcing she was going to do her homework. I went upstairs an hour later to see how she was getting on, I found her in bed, asleep! Oh yes I woke her up, big time. Leyla's phone will not be with her after 10pm for the foreseeable future.

Hannah on the other hand announced to me at 8.30pm on Wednesday that she was going upstairs to have a bath and go to bed, she wanted at least ten hours sleep.

Hannah is a very sociable butterfly she loves having friends over to the house. Saturday afternoon the door bell rang and it rang and it rang every time the bell rang another friend arrived, four girls showed up for tea then three left they were replaced by two adolescent boys who spent the evening together with my daughter and her friend watching a film and having pizza and sushi, got to love Deliveroo. They had the downstairs TV and I watch the smart TV in the upstairs lounge, Leyla was a friend's house in Hampstead she pitch up at 10PM as requested, but with a girl from the friend's house party in tow. I asked how the friend, I think she was called Gabby would be getting home, I got a oone word answer Uber. At midnight I went upstairs to Leyla's room I said two words "Uber time".

That's it you are now up to date, wishing you an awesome week

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